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28. Home every day happy to see her mother smile is my happiness. 29. happy are the families where the government of parents is the reign of affect...3、多进行书面表达的'训练,尽量减少母语对英语学习的干扰。不会用英文写作文,是绝大多数学生的通病,不知道作文是由句子构成,一个正确的句子,需要用正确的句型...

父爱的句子简短英语翻译 父爱简短走心的句子英语篇一 2. 亲情也是王维独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲。的深沉感叹 3. meetingyouwasfate,andfallinginlovewithyouwasoutofmycontrol...*(当他年少时)1他(失去双亲)2他的(舅舅)3(收留他)4并(把他抚养成人)5: He (lost both his parents)2 (when he was little)1, and his uncle3 (took him in)4 and (brought him up)...

篇1:表示感恩的英语句子 1. The remotest corners of the globe have to do, only Shien infinite period. Thank you, teacher!天涯海角有尽处,只有师恩无穷期。感谢您,老师! 2. T...翻译如下 With so much focus on children's use of screens, it's easy for parents to forget about their own screen use. “Tech is designed to really suck ...

人教版新目标英语七上句子大全 句子(一)句型变化之基石:一般疑问句 A将下列各句变为一般疑问句,并相应回答。 1.I am a student. ___ ___ a student? Yes, ___ ___. 2.My father is a math teacher...人教新版新目标英语八下电子课本UNIT 1 What's the matter? Section A Language Goals: Talk about health and accidents; Give advice 1a Look at the picture. Write the correct letter [a-m] ...

1、我的父亲和母亲是我的双亲。 my father and mother are my parents. 2、母亲的原型是一个特别好的例子。 the mother archetype is a particularly good example. 3、我父亲喜欢运...1.你脚踩的地狱,不过是天堂的倒影。2.高考是一场充满理想主义的奔忙。3.为了看看风景,我已跋涉千里。