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【分析】表面上年,好像whom应跟在think后面,但它却是think 后面的宾语从句中的主语,因为这个whom 就相当于句子“I think Tom opened the windows yesterday”这句中的Tom, 当然是主...高中英语单句改错1 单句改错练习题(一) 1. Under my teacher’s help, I have made a great progress. 2. I would be gratefully to you if you could give m...

【分析】to 的后面应该接名词、代词或相当于名词、代词的短语、句子,而who comes first意思是“最先来的”,它并不是一个名词性从句。 【改正】两种方法:( 1)在who前面加上anyone 或...插入语是独立成分,不修饰句子或成分,常常用来表达说话者的态度或语气。 例如:The only honest answer is, of course, yes. 下面我们随便找一年考研英语真题里的长难句,来分析一下: ...

ˋ▽ˊ 1.Whose that boy over there?>>Who's that boy over there?2.It's the time of a year for the rice harvest >>It's the time of the year for the rice harvest...高中英语单句改错 250 题一、单句改错(仅有一处错误) preposition mistakes 介词错误 (using wrong prepositions or unnecessary or lack of prepositions) 1.We often play ...

>▽< 在短文改错中常会出现指代错误,you与your,it's与its,it与they或them,one与ones,宾格(如me)与反身代词(如myself)等。 例如:In the cafe, customers will enjoy yourselves in the hi...(四)改错改错部分沿袭往年惯例依然是十个题目,每个句子划出来四处,考生需要选出错误的一项并进行改正。

从17年高考结束到22年推免读研,我从十八线小县城的普通高中,在“千军万马过独木桥”的高考大省,以文科622分、英语146分的成绩考入武汉大学。 看文章前,请明确两点: 1 你是可以从学...英语句子改错,1.the manager for them prepares some beautiful gifts.2.could you tell to me something about their cultural background?3.Mr.wang has lef...